How Fetal Constraint Affects Babies: Things We Notice After Birth

This is part six of the six-part Stuck Baby Series. In part one, My Baby Dropped!, I explain why engagement is pathology. In part two, Why Did My Baby Get Stuck?, I describe the maternal factors that cause babies to get stuck. Part three is Fetal Factors: How Babies Get Themselves Stuck. Part four explores Fetal Constraint: How Culture Immobilizes Babies. Last week, in part five, I looked at How Fetal Constraint Affects Labor and Birth. Today I’m going to describe how fetal constraint or lack of Optimal Fetal Positioning adversely affects the babies themselves — the things we notice at birth and beyond. Read more

Fetal Constraint: How Culture Immobilizes Babies

This is the fourth installment of the stuck baby series. Last week I described the fetal factors (ways babies get themselves stuck). The week before I discussed maternal factors. Three weeks ago I covered engagement and explained why it’s pathology. Next week I’ll go over how fetal constraint affects labor and birth. Stay tuned!

Today I’m going to discuss cultural factors that reduce babies’ opportunities to move in utero and cause them to get stuck. This is the category we can actually do something about because the factors are under our conscious control —  if we know enough and if we care care enough. Read more

Fetal Factors: How Babies Get Themselves Stuck

There are many things that contribute to fetal constraint (stuck babies). Any one of them can operate independently, but usually there are multiple causes for less than optimal fetal positioning that have synergistic or additive effects. As I continue to explore the multiple causes, I will provide examples of how these things can work in concert to prevent babies from moving into more ideal positions for their continued gestation, birth and a comfortable, functional life in their bodies outside the womb. Read more

Why Did My Baby Get Stuck?

When I consider how babies fit into — and through — a maternal pelvis I view it from three perspectives: midwifery, bodywork and yoga. As a midwife I generally know more about birth than many bodyworkers. As a bodyworker I know more about how, anatomically and bio-mechanically, a baby fits into and ultimately through a maternal pelvis – more than than some midwives. This is about optimal fetal positioning – or lack thereof. Read more

My Baby Dropped!

“My baby dropped!!” People usually say this with great enthusiasm when it happens. I’ve never really understood why people rejoice about their babies dropping. Read more

Flat Spots

I see lots of babies who have flat spots on their heads (plagiocephaly) in my Craniosacral Therapy practice.

Container-Baby Culture and Flat Heads

The most common variety is the broad flat spot on the back of the head – an artifact of the Back to Sleep Program, swaddling for sleep and time spent in car seats, baby seats and swings that have a flat, firm surface. My mantra is: Back to sleep, tummy for play, car seats only for car rides and in arms or slings the rest of the time. Of course, this doesn’t mesh well with what most Americans actually do with their babies – especially the car seat and “infant furniture:”part. Read more

Finding Your Question


Finding Your Question is a process I have been introducing to groups for over 20 years. I have lead this activity with more than a thousand people – usually in small groups. I never tire of it. I guide ALL of my Craniosacral Therapy students to find their deepest questions at the beginning of any class series. It has been a daily practice in my own life since I learned it from Pam England, author of Birthing From Within. I began working in this way with groups of expectant parents in 1999. Read more

The Truth About Epidurals

The Truth About Birth

First a word or two about birth physiology: Labor is almost universally painful for birthing parents and sometimes painful for babies. One of the ways we cope with pain is to produce beta-endorphin. Beta-endorphin is an opiate-like brain chemical – the same one responsible for the so-called runner’s high. It reduces pain. Read more

Cesareans! Emergencies! and Strategies!

The word “emergency” used to ONLY apply to childbirth. The baby emerges, get it?

Two (Three) Kinds of Cesareans

Lately, I have been hearing an emergent theme in the stories people have been sharing with me about their cesarean births. They divide them into two categories – planned and emergency.Often a parent will say to me that their cesarean birth was not planned. It was an emergency. Yet, when I hear the details of the story it almost always falls into the third and largest category – the unplanned cesarean. It is really a story about a failed induction, a less-then-ideally positioned baby who fails to descend (and emerge), a baby who wasn’t coping well with labor contractions, but didn’t need to come out RIGHT NOW, etc. Read more

I Hate Podcasts

I guess I’m not an auditory type. However, I LOVED this podcast – every minute of it. I listened to ALL of it! I love James McKenna! I really do! I LOVED his books – especially his most recent one: Safe Infant Sleep: Expert Answers to Your Cosleeping Questions by James J. McKenna. Ph.D. Dr. McKenna hit another home run with this book. It’s geared toward a general audience – including families and health professionals working with families. Read more